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Prairie 101

This class provides do-it-yourself instruction for anyone interested in creating a prairie; a natural landscape utilizing native grasses and flowers. No matter what size prairie you are interested in; from acreage to small plot, this class covers all steps of planning and preparation as well as maintenance to ensure your creation continues to thrive for years to come. The class also provides information about plants and which ones could be considered, or perhaps avoided, based on the desired outcome,

This class is taught by Paul Spilseth.  Paul joined the Master Gardener program in 2023. He was raised on a farm and never lost his love of horticulture. In 1998 he planted a prairie on his lakeshore property. Then in 2006, at a new home, he expanded his prairie plantings. Since then, he has designed and planted prairies of various sizes. These include Washington County locations like the Stillwater Country Club golf course and People’s Park in Bayport. His property was also featured on the WCMG Learn and Grow With Us Garden Tour in 2024. His knowledge, expertise and love of native plants and prairies inspired him to create this class, to share that passion with the community.

This class is sponsored in partnership with the River Market Community Co-op and the Washington County Master Gardeners.


Monday, March 24, 2025
6:00pm - 7:30pm
St. Croix Room
Bayport Public Library
  Crafts and Hobbies     Health and Wellness  
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